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Today we honor Mothers + Motherhood in all its forms...

Enjoy quotes from Women that inspire us...

 Eden wears: Tasha Crochet Jacket | See ELEVEN SIX WOMEN feature HERE

EDEN GRINSHPAN of EDEN EATS + TV Host, Cookbook Author, Influencer

“Motherhood is the greatest experience and journey of my life. Becoming a mother is something I could never truly understand until it happened and it is so much more than I ever thought it could be. Getting to meet my babies, grow as a parent and partner. It is always evolving and I love that. For me motherhood means being present, a good listener, patient (which is a tricky one when life is happening and things need to get done) and also being kind and patient with yourself. I thought becoming a mom would be such a natural transition but to be honest there have been many bumpy roads that thankfully with family and friends around I got/get passed. Six years in and I am still always surprised but how this job always changes and what your kids need from you will always shift and evolve and you just have to be able to go with the flow like that. I am grateful for these amazing life lessons and for getting to be my girls mama”


Deborah wears: Luna Cardi in Multi-color | ELEVEN SIX WOMEN Story coming next week!



DEBORAH ROBERTS: Award Winning Journalist, Reporter, Author 

 "Being a mom is the best, most exhausting and most gratifying job I'll ever have." 


 Allison Wears: Tatum Stripe SweaterSee ELEVEN SIX WOMEN feature HERE


ALLISON CHAWLER | Alternative Therapist, Life Coach +‘Talk To Allison’ Podcast Host 

"You love your parents as a child in ways that finding independence feels threatening. You have your heartbroken within young love and wonder how you will ever recover. You meet your life partner and believe that he or she is the one who will make all suffering slip away.  And then, you meet your child for the very first time, in that very first moment; and you realize that you had absolutely no idea what love really meant until you feel that love for your child."


 Rebecca wears: Isla Cardi in Taffy Pink 


REBECCA FFRENCH of The Upstate Table + Cookbook Author

“Motherhood has shaped me in more ways than I ever imagined. Being the Mama of two strong, beautiful women is the best thing I know. My girls inspire me every single day. They have taught me to be vulnerable, courageous and have shown me that love truly knows no bounds. Anna and Camilla are also two of the most loyal and loving humans I know. They see the world through a lens of compassion and fairness. Their devotion to family is real. I feel like the luckiest human to be their mother (now that the teenage years are over! Ha!).”



 Sally wears: Emmie Polo Dress in Navy | See ELEVEN SIX WOMEN feature HERE


SALLY WATKINSON of Audrey’s Farmhouse + Old Mill Event Venues

"It's the most extraordinary love. And, has given me more meaning and purpose than I ever could have imagined."


 Benedicte wears Aurora Sweater in pale grey| See ELEVEN SIX WOMEN feature HERE



  “To me motherhood is all about empathy. Trying to understand what goes through my son's head to better react and accompany him in his growth has been the most challenging but also the most rewarding thing. It's all about trying to step into their shoes to understand their reactions, but also understanding that they don't necessarily understand themselves or why they act the way they do. And in that sense, it has given me a much bigger appreciation of everything my parents did for me and why they sometimes reacted the way they did. It has opened up my eyes on a lot of things and given me a much broader understanding of what parent’s love means. It also comes with the difficult realization that I will have to accept the fact that we probably will very often not be on the same page but that it is my role to try to understand him the best I can and show him my support. I hope to always have the strength to show him all the empathy he'll need to accompany him through all the stages in life, and that he'll grow up to be a very compassionate person.”


 Catherine wears: Isla cardi + Mia Tube Skirt in Lime @ the ELEVEN SIX Store with daughter Sophia



"Being the Mother is one of the most profoundly gratifying, all-encompassing and challenging experiences of my life! It is now the biggest connection I have with my past, dear Mother. Until becoming a Mother it is hard to understand the power of the deepest love you will ever feel, literally wearing your heart outside of yourself. The depth of love one feels for a child has taught me truly what sacrificing one-self means and also to feel the deepest gratitude for being given the greatest gift of my life: two incredible children. <3 "